Thursday, February 23, 2012

Death to Diapers - Day 4

Schedule of Activity: See pattern of 1% potty usage from days 1-3.

My processing --

Is she just not ready? But she shows so many signs!

She -
1) tells me when she's poo'd her diaper and asks to be changed.
2) has asked 2-3 times in the past to use the potty and used it appropriately.
3) has the verbal skills to communicate the above!

Challenges so far --

1) Often, she doesn't mind that she's wet or poo'd. She'll keep playing until I notice the wetness or hear a squeaking shoe - within 1-5 minutes of the occurrence.

2) I have to bribe her with chocolate just to TRY and go on the potty. One M&M for trying, three M&Ms for actually going. Often, she ignores my bribe just to try. I'm not increasing the M&M dose, either!

Should I let more time pass after I notice wetness or pooness? Maybe she'll have more discomfort, incentivizing her to prevent the experience by using the pot. But the thought of poo just resting and stinking in her panties, eeeewww. And when she sits down, eeeewwww. I'll just wait with #1s, perhaps.

3) She's not following the pattern of cold-turkey potty training that I've read and heard about - 4 days and they mostly have it. Yeah yeah, every kid is different, blah bleh bloo. So, my comparisons are likely not helping our progress.

I'm not giving up yet, dammit! 

Suggestions? Lemme hear them! Except suggesting that she's not ready, I'm not ready to hear that!


  1. Just give it time. I worked on potty training Nick for 1.5 years. He did all of the things Sofia has and then one day it just clicked. When they are ready, they are ready. Don't get stressed because there is a certain time or age that they are supposed to be potty trained. Each child is different. Wish you luck. Stay calm!

    1. Thanks! I have some new ideas from everyone's input. Btw, errr, who's this? Ang? Thinking who has a kid named Nick....
