Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Death to Diapers - Day 2

Schedule of Elimination

Poo. She woke up crying that her popa hurt (Russian for “butt”). Morning constipation? She begged for a diaper and I couldn’t refuse the poor child.

P-P in her diaper. Change into panties.

Mysterious drop of liquid in her panties. Clear/white in color. Indistinguishable smell. Spilled milk from her cereal?

Screaming pee. Likely my fault. She was complaining about going on the potty and I put her on anyway. She exploded in tantrum. I walked out of the bathroom feeling impatient and she peed herself, standing right next to the toilet. We made up, of course.

A CRAP in her panties. She looks at me and whines. It’s square shaped.

Pee in diaper during nap. Change to panties.

Pee in Target clothing department. “Oops”, she says. At least she acknowledged it as an oops, that must be progress. We walk to the bathroom for a change.

Poo while handling play-doh. She looks at me after it’s done with a concerned frown.

3-4 small pees in her panties. After all of them, I set her on the toilet to see if she had any more and one time she DID! That’s one potty-pee on our 2nd day, wahoo!!!

Note: I added more incentive than just praise today - M&Ms. I never EVER thought I’d bribe a child of mine with candy. I read an article that convinced me to do it. Click here if you’re curious. The author suggests jelly beans, but those are gross. Sofie doesn't care about stickers, otherwise those would be first choice. I’ll wean her off once she gets the routine down.

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