Monday, August 1, 2011

Hungry? Tired?

June 27, 2011

I couldn’t get her to eat lunch at all. She had a nibble of some grapes and two molecules of pork and a small cracker. I feel like we’re having a power struggle around food sometimes, which is so not what I want. I'm practicing letting go of that primal instinct to feed her and moving toward trusting her to eat when she’s hungry. If I offer something and she says, “no”, I let it go.

Her eyes were getting droopy when I was nursing her today. I asked if she was tired. No response. Then I asked if she wanted a nap. While still latched on, she so clearly and steadily shook her head side to side. I laughed out how perfectly she communicated herself. We understood each other more clearly than ever in that moment.

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