Monday, May 7, 2012

Death to Diapers - Week # who-the-hell-knows?

There was Tahoe. After full-time diapers for nearly a week, she came back home entirely resistant to the potty. She'd yell at me for even suggesting it. She'd cry for a diaper if she needed to poop.

What happened?!? Why would someone BEG to crap themselves and then DENY that they crapped themselves so they could sit in it for as long as possible?

Because this someone is an irrational sociopath? Does "two years old" connote the same behavior?

We were at a loss. Toly Tough-Guy had an idea; just start putting her on the potty whether she liked it or not and she'd get used to it. I gave him permission to lead this effort a few minutes later when it seemed like she might pee on the floor.

After her wild, frantic screams from the trial... and no pee in the toilet, he came back confident as ever, "So what? That was just the first time." Right. After that, we dropped the just-do-it idea. Never tried it again, never spoke of it. It seemed clear - if she is going to go on the potty, we some how have to build up the desire within her to use it.

So there I was on Amazon looking for potty training books to read to her. We had one, but why not get a few more and try all of them out?

What do you know, I think one of the titles did it. It made her laugh, smile, relate, and she wanted to read it again and again. "Potty" by Leslie Patricelli. The protagonist tot goes on the little potty in this book, so that was our shift with Sof. No more potty seat on the big potty.

It's been working. She's just peed on it 1-2 times/day the past few, but she is loving it. Oh yes - and loving the re-introduction of chocolate, too. Instead of M&Ms, we moved to the slightly healthier semi-sweet chocolate chips.

Stay tuned, the poo-pee diaries continue...

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