Sunday, March 11, 2012

Slow Death to Diapers - Week 2-3

Now that I think about it, most of my life as a parent has been continuous lessons in humility and patience.

I tried to ignore all of you who said, "One day, she'll just do it. You can't rush her. She'll be ready when SHE'S ready, and no sooner." Pish posh, I said. She showed signs, so she was ready! I finally get it. She's just not down with the Boot Camp Potty-Training method.

So, we're on the slow train to full-time potty utilization. We are coming to our destination, though, with about 1-2 potty pees/day. She'll tell me, hold it until I put her on, and then pee.

The next step is trying panties again. She's still running around half-naked, putting her tush on every surface. I know some future house-guests are reading this and that's right - you'll probably be sitting on something that had baby butthole rubbed on it. Get over it.

But, will she pee in the panties? Will she not? Having that breeze on her bum does make her think about depositing her urine someplace else instead of feeling it stream down her legs. Will report back next week.

After her M&M tantrum today, I decided to dump that reward system. Sometimes she sits on the potty and nothing happens, but she still demands chocolate. When she hears no, the psychopathic meltdown occurs.

So, I cheer after hearing tinkling. She smiles broadly, shrieking and laughing with me. If she's delighting that much from just praise, I should be safe trashing the M&M system.

If you cracked a smile at least once reading this, let me know so I can share the smile.

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