Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dinner: Bean Mess!

I made Bean Mess tonight. It's the first time I've cooked it, as I just invented it this evening. All kinds of colors went into this masterful creation. Pintos, chard, canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, curry powder, garlic powder, I can't recall the rest.

Sofie's had beans and all the other ingredients in separate dishes, but not this Mess. This food unfamiliarity could really backfire. : \

Doo dee doo, nothing out of the ordinary is happening here, child, as I dish this weirdness onto your tray. Let's just put the bib right on you and give you a spoon with a smile and voila! (Oh, jeez, just let her take a bite and TASTE it before she judges it by appearances, pleeeeeaaaaaase.) Doo dee doo, this is a masterpiece dinner that you will LOVE, my sweet!

She looks down and picks up a bean, putting it in her mouth right away. Standing ovation in my mind! Of course, I can't show it for risk of the whole situation becoming one of those weird power struggle things, so I pretend I'm distracted.

What do you know, the following bites are also a hit! She's even shoveling in the brown rice on the side! That's my girl. Not even blinking about the chard chunks? I mean, she wasn't going for the lone lumps of green, but she didn't pick it off the beans and tomatoes, either.

Leafy greens have been especially hard to get her to eat. In the past, I've witnessed her sticking out her tongue in disgust and beating it violently with her fingers, attempting to disappear the poisonous vegetable from her taste buds. It's quite distressing to watch!

She eats slowly, with just a few lone chard chunks left when she says, "all done." Full kid, happy parent. Hooray for Bean Mess!

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